Information for parents and safeguarding advice

Silo Club User Guide - Roles


Depending on the level of access that your county office has given you, some of the features on Silo may be unavailable to you (e.g. you may not see the relevant button/link).

Silo Roles


Silo can be used to assign roles to members such as Club Chair, Council Rep etc. These roles are important for reporting purposes, e.g. NFYFC will use list of Club Chairs and Secretaries to prepare voting lists for the AGM.

Viewing Roles

To view the current roles for your club, click the Members tab on the top menu bar.

You will then see a dropdown box on the left-hand menu – click the roles button:

Silo Guide Roles 1

You will then see a list of available roles for your club, with details of how many have currently been assigned. If a role has people assigned to it, clicking the “Show” button on the right hand side of the screen will show a list of who currently holds that role.

Assigning Roles

To assign a member to a role, scroll down to the role you want to assign and click the “Add” button.

On the following screen you will need to search for the member to assign. In the search box you can type in any of the following:

  • Name (either surname or full name)
  • Membership Number
  • Email

NOTE: after typing your search, click the relevant button (Name, Membership or Email) to search – do not just press enter.

The search results should appear in a table:

Silo Guide Roles 2

Select the member you want from the list by clicking the radio button in the left-hand column, then enter the start date and end dates for their role (this won’t necessarily be the end date for their membership, it could depend on when your club has its AGM).

Deleting a Role

Once the expiry date for someone’s role has passed, it will automatically disappear from their profile, so you don’t need to do anything to remove it. If, however, you need to remove the role before it expires, you can browse to your roles list and click the Show button, then click Delete next to the person you want to remove:

Silo Guide Roles 3

Editing a Role

If you entered incorrect dates for a role and need to edit them, this isn’t currently possible – you need to delete the role and then re-add it with the correct dates.