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Summit 25 - Next Gen YFC

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Summit 25: Next Gen YFC (Preparing for Gen A)

Summit 2025 aims to equip YFC leaders, members and supporters to navigate the future for YFCs, ensuring their continued relevance and growth by:

Charting the Course for Next Gen YFC

Inspiring delegates to proactively consider the future direction of NFYFC/YFC, ensuring alignment with its core purpose (the 'North Star'). This involves moving beyond past practices and embracing forward-thinking strategies to attract and retain members, particularly within the context of preparing for Generation Alpha (Gen A).

Making 'YFC is for Everyone' a Reality

Driving tangible action to break down barriers to Belonging, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (BEDI). This includes considering current structures and decision-making opportunities, such as a review of Steering Groups, and fostering a culture of genuine inclusivity that reflects the needs and aspirations of all current and future members.

Empowering Current and Next Generation Leaders

Ensuring all Summit discussions and activities are viewed through the lens of:

  • Fun, Engagement, and Action: Creating an engaging experience to inspire delegates to take realistic actionable steps.
  • YFC for Everyone: Reinforcing the commitment to inclusivity and removing barriers to participation.
  • Youth Voice: Prioritising the needs and aspirations of our younger members (Gen A) and ensuring their perspectives are considered in all aspects of YFC's future.


10:00 - 10:30: Arrival & Registration

  • Tea, coffee, and light refreshments.
  • Informal networking.

10:30 - 10:45: Welcome & Introduction

  • Welcome address.
  • Overview of the day's objectives and agenda.

10:45 - 11:15: *Our Membership*: Membership Experience Survey Findings & The Value of YFC Membership

Analysing and reviewing membership trends, understanding the value proposition of YFC membership, and sharing strategies to attract and retain a diverse membership base, including Gen A.

11:15 - 12:00: *Our Clubs*: Internal Identity and External Perception: What does it mean to be a Young Farmer? How do others see us?

Examining the core identity of YFC clubs, exploring how they are perceived both internally and externally, and identifying opportunities to strengthen their role within their communities and within wider society.

12:00 - 12:10: Break

12:10 - 12:30: *Our Council*: Governance: Shaping Our Future

Reviewing the current governance structure, specifically the transition from Steering Groups to Special Interest Groups, to ensure it effectively supports the needs of Next Gen YFC and how the governance can support the YFC membership experience.

12:30 - 13:30: Lunch

13:30 -14:50: *Our Planet*: (Team Based Interactive Activity)

Engaging in a set of Escape Room activities and team tasks focused on ‘YFC Rural Guardians: Everyone’s Environment’. Tasks will include creating a community project plan for National Young Farmers' Week, a visual campaign connecting YFC values to the ‘Everyone’s Environment’ and an innovative carbon reduction initiative.

14:50 - 15:00: Break

15:00 - 15:30: Steering Group Discussion and Pledges