Information for parents and safeguarding advice

Support for Charity Trustees

Support for Charity Trustees

Whether you are new to being a trustee or have been a trustee for a while it is important to know and understand what that means. Being a trustee comes with responsibilities. The following guidance from the Charity Commission will help you be sure you know what your responsibilities are and be confident you are doing the right thing.

It is important to note that the law generally protects trustees who have acted honestly and reasonably. However, there is no legal protection for trustees who have acted dishonestly, negligently or recklessly. Not knowing about a law or not knowing what is happening in your charity is not a defence. So it is important you know what the role involves and what you’re are responsible for - even if you delegate some responsibilities held as a trustees of a YFC, you remain responsible and accountable for them being done.

If you need further help and support as to how this applies to your YFC please contact your county federation or the NFYFC, and we will answer questions or seek further advice to assist you.