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Questions for Charity Trustees

Questions for Charity Trustees

As a trustee you must make sure your charity fulfils its safeguarding responsibilities. Charities working with children or adults at risk have extra responsibilities. To help you understand those responsibilities you need to be able to answer the following questions if asked for instance by a parent or local authority, we have provided links to additional guidance to help you. 

For more information please watch the Charity Commission’s video on safeguarding and read the five minute guide here.

1. Have staff and volunteers been safely recruited – background checks (references taken and undertaken DBS checks)? How recent were the checks? 

2. Will any adults besides the leaders be present at the venue while my child is there? If so, how is this managed? 

3. What training have leaders had? 

4. May I have a copy of your child protection policy? 

5. Who is your named safeguarding lead(s) at the club and what training have they had? How recent was this training? 

  • Add name here. 
  • Add the approx. dates they completed the online safeguarding awareness training 

6. My child has Special Educational Needs and / or a disability (SEND). What steps will you take to accommodate this? 

7. How are you securely storing the information you hold on my child? Who has access to it and are you giving it to anyone else? 

  • Membership information is stored on the YFC membership portal – SILO.
  • Those will access to this are:

- Add name of YFC club membership officer 

- The county federation office  

- The NFYFC headquarters 

8. Is my child allowed to access the internet unsupervised? 

9. Have all parents provided written consent for their child’s participation? 

  • Consent information for the club programme is collected as part of the application for membership – you were asked to complete a section of the online application form.  This is stored in the YFC membership portal - SILO 

10. Do club officers have access to emergency contacts for all members at every meeting/event, including the first meeting a potential member attends? 

  • This is stored in the YFC membership portal - SILO 
  • For those that have not yet formally joined the club, but are attending for the three sessions to see if YFC is for them, this form  MUST  be used.  It collects consent for children (anyone under the age of 18) and emergency contact information.  The for  is here:  4-4-5B Template - Non-member contact form.docx 

11. How do you keep up-to-date with developments/changes in safeguarding? 

12. Do you keep written records of all safeguarding concerns, including low-level concerns?  Who has access to these?  Who is this shared with? 

13. Can I have the club programme and see who is responsible for children for each of the meetings/activities? 

14. How do you stay connected with members who are children?

15. My child is too young for social media, how will they know what is happening?

16. When meeting away from the usual meeting hall, what arrangements are in place for transporting children?