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Uplands Farming Guide and Podcast

Uplands Farming Podcast and Guide

The challenges posed by climate change and evolving agricultural policies demand flexibility and adaptability from uplands farmers. NFYFC's new podcast Uplands Farming: Prospects and opportunities highlights the opportunities available for young farmers.

Hosted by rural affairs podcaster Ben Eagle, he interviews a guest panel comprising uplands farmer Nic Renison, Head of Agriculture at Virgin Money Brian Richardson, Professor of Sustainability at Rothamsted Research Simon Wilcock, and Land and Estates Director at the National Trust Giles Hunt.

The panel discuss the challenges for uplands farmers now and in the future, as well as offer practical suggestions for new entrants. There is also an accompanying guide for YFC members about uplands farming with expert insights and further links to support.

This podcast and guide was recorded and produced with the support of Defra.