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Youth Forum

Youth Forum

The NFYFC Youth Forum is a group of younger YFC members with a lot of big ideas!

The Forum was formed in 2010 as a way for younger members to have their voices heard within the organisation. The forum is made up of the finalists of the Junior Member of the Year competition plus an elected representative from each of the NFYFC Areas. The Youth Forum meet up three times a year, run loads of exciting projects and feed into the NFYFC Council to make sure NFYFC continue to run great competitions, events and activities for younger members.

In 2013, the NFYFC Youth Forum became the fifth Steering Group on the NFYFC Council. This has allowed them to work with the other steering groups of council to ensure that our programme of work are suitable for younger members of the organisation.

This year the Youth Forum Residential weekend away is being reinstated after it was halted during the pandemic. The event provides the opportunity to have an adventure weekend with lots of fun getting to know new members, whilst reviewing old and new projects.

Latest Projects

Field to Fork

Field to Fork

The Youth Forum has developed a field to fork educational resource called Watch that Cowpat!. Following a pilot the forum approached Natwest for sponsorship of the game. They were successful in achieving funding to produce ten games, one for each of the areas and three to be held at NFYFC.

Area Weekends

Area Weekends

The forum are working with the area committees to support them to explore the idea of area weekends for the younger members within areas to allow them the chance to meet members from neighbouring counties and grow their YFC community.