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Thank you message for Volunteers' Week

Thank you message for Volunteers' Week

A Volunteers' Week thank you message to all YFC volunteers from NFYFC President John Lee OBE DL

Giving up our time to support others is a big ask, especially with the hectic lifestyles we lead today. Yet, thousands of young people involved in YFC spend hours every week doing just that – volunteering.

From taking on roles in their club to help organise meetings to being part of a rally or show committee that ensures everything is in place for the big day, YFC members give a lot.

And that’s just the volunteering they do for their clubs. There are those who go on to support their county federations and the national federation. Hours upon hours given freely for the betterment of the organisation and the people involved in it.

Community work

Let’s not forget the community work and the charitable fundraising missions too – the assistance given at agricultural shows and the time spent supporting local initiatives. All given for free.

And it’s not just current members. YFC is supported by hundreds of alumni, parents, trustees and advisory committee members who volunteer their time too.

The payback, of course, is the skills, the confidence and the friendships we build by volunteering. There is much to gain by helping others – not least a boost to our personal wellbeing, knowing we have improved someone else’s.

Thank you so much for all that you do and thank you to all of you who spare the time to support YFC and our rural communities. We wouldn’t be YFC without you and our communities would be all the poorer without your effort and commitment.

This Volunteers' Week (3-9 June), let’s all say thanks to those who give that most precious of commodities to YFC – their time. Let us remember to value our volunteers for the role they – and all of us – must play in developing caring, considerate and compassionate young people.

Thank you for all that you do. It means so much.

John Lee OBE DL NFYFC President 2024-25