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Programmes of work agreed at NFYFC Council

Programmes of work agreed at NFYFC Council

Plans for new activities and events were discussed by members of NFYFC’s four steering groups and presented at NFYFC’s Council meeting in February.

The groups, which include YFC AGRI, Competitions, Membership and Marketing and Personal Development, help make plans for NFYFC’s programmes of work.

Council has been tasked with reviewing the four steering groups and the way the NFYFC Council operates to ensure it continues to meet members’ needs. This will be an ongoing process during the year and discussions will be held at Council meetings in June and November.

In the meantime, steering groups elected new Chairs and Vices for the year ahead and made plans for their areas of work.


Robbie Tuer from Cumbria was elected as the new Chair of the steering group with Fergus Starkey from Warwickshire elected as the new Vice Chair.

Highlights from the YFC AGRI report included:

  • YFC AGRI will be continuing the New Voices project – a programme designed to train future food and farming ambassadors. Developed in collaboration with Lantra and Landex and supported by Defra, the project provides free training for members who want to improve their confidence and communication skills. The next online session takes place on 12 March, with a final session on 30 April.
  • Support and representation remain at the heart of what YFC AGRI does. The group is currently collating feedback ahead of a Defra workshop on 6 March about the 25 year vision for farming. Members are encouraged to share their views.
  • A new NFYFC AGRI Hub will be launched in the coming months – a centralised platform where members can access existing and future resources, training opportunities and events as well as industry information.
  • At this year’s Cereals event, there will be a dedicated Next Generation programme, which will offer an opportunity for young farmers to engage with industry professionals. NFYFC has also secured an affinity deal for 2025 and for the 2026 event at Jeremy Clarkson’s farm.
  • Groundswell 2025 will be the focus of the YFC AGRI Study Tour on 2-3 July in Hertfordshire.
  • The NFYFC 5 Nations' Week in October will include farm and machinery dealer visits, along with discussions with NFU policy and office holders on 16 October.

Robbie said:

“YFC is only as strong as the members who engage with it, that’s why we want as many of you as possible to get involved. We represent you at industry meetings, Defra discussions and with organisations like the RPA, but we need to hear your views and experiences to make sure we’re raising the right issues.

“If you have a question, concern or idea, please do get in touch. We also encourage members to join online meetings and to sign up to the YFC AGRI WhatsApp group.

“Above all, we want every YFC member to know they have a voice in shaping the future of our industry.”

For more information about joining YFC AGRI discussions, please contact Sarah Palmer.


Ellie Gassor from Wiltshire was elected as the new Chair of the Competitions Steering Group with Sophie Olds from Cornwall elected as the new Vice Chair.

Highlights from the Competitions report included:

  • The Tug of War rep positions have been filled by Ellie Westway from Gloucestershire and Dorothy Hathaway from Oxfordshire.
  • The British Wool training courses offer closes on 31 March.
  • NFYFC requires 40 stewards for Competitions Day in July and anyone interested in volunteering to support should contact
  • The draw for Performing Arts resulted in the following: Saturday: West Midlands, Wales B, Northern Area B, Northern Area A and Sunday: Wales A, South West Area B, East Midlands and South West Area A.
  • Tug of War safeguarding procedures will now be put in place for all TOWA registered clubs. There will be NFYFC workshops on organising TOW competitions.
  • Situations Vacant will go back to a CV in 2025-26 and not an application form.
  • Sports competitions for 2025-26 will be: 10-14 Mixed Rounders, 15-17 Mixed Dodgeball and 18-28 Mixed Hockey.
  • The Cube Exhibit theme for 2025-26 will be My County and Floral Art and Cookery are yet to be finalised. Floral foam will be reintroduced for 2025-26 to follow NAFAS rules.
  • The 5 Nations Stockjudging competition will no longer go ahead as other nations are unable to commit to or host the competition.

Ellie said:

“There has been a bit of change over the last few years with a lot of competitions, i.e. the size of the application form for Senior Member of the Year, how Situations Vacant runs… I think we really need to nail these things down and stop making so many changes in Competitions. If a Competition works, then let’s leave it.”

Membership and Marketing

Jessica Rose from Nottinghamshire was elected as the new Chair of the Membership and Marketing Steering Group with Kayleigh Lovegrove from Devon as the new Vice Chair.

Highlights from the Membership and Marketing report included:

  • Changes were discussed about the annual membership survey, including looking at shortening the length of the survey and ensuring it's accessible for everyone to complete.
  • National Young Farmers’ Week planning is underway and any ideas can be shared with the group.
  • The date for the ceremony for the next YFC Achiever Awards is Saturday 8 November 2025 at the National Conference Centre in Birmingham.
  • A new digital solution to improve administration for competitions will be launched in September, making it easier for counties and Areas.

Jessica said:

“There is a need for a group to discuss the membership experience as it’s an important part of NFYFC – we just need to decide where it sits with other steering groups.”

Personal Development

Megan Bailey was re-elected as the Chair of the Personal Development Steering Group with Rosie Finney elected as the new Vice Chair.

Highlights from the Personal Development report included:

  • Travel and training is under review so it reflects the new generation of members with new interests and new needs.
  • The YFA judged the travel presentations from last year’s YFC Travel participants. The winner will be presented with their trophy at the ACM in April.
  • Clubs and counties will have access to more information on how to participate in campaigning, including guidelines on the extent to which charities can engage in such activities.

Megan said:

“Chairing for a second year has given me a new boost of confidence and I am determined to drive the steering group with a new sense of purpose.

“Travel and training are an integral part of developing as a young person and provide a unique opportunity to learn as a participant and also to give back to the Federation in the form of organising new opportunities and sharing knowledge and experience to members.”

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