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NFYFC Council holds its first meeting as a charitable company

NFYFC Council holds its first meeting as a charitable company

NFYFC’s Council met for the first time under its new structure of a charitable company in February.

The Federation’s charitable status was confirmed in December 2024 by the Charity Commission after a long-term project to convert NFYFC from a Friendly Society with Special Authority to a Company limited by Guarantee with Charity registration.

The new legal status of the organisation brings full recognition as a charity with the protections of the company limited by guarantee.

NFYFC’s Board will now act as the Company Directors and Charity Trustees and remain responsible for the finance, reputation and risk management of the organisation, as well as fulfilling compliance responsibilities for the company/charity.

The Council, comprising representatives from all YFC county federations affiliated to NFYFC, continues to drive and deliver the national organisation’s programmes of work including agriculture and rural issues, competitions and training. They also help shape the membership experience and the promotion of opportunities among members and the wider public.

Increased representation for larger county federations

At the February meeting, Council examined the representation on the NFYFC Council and supported a proposal from the Cumbria Federation for larger county federations, with 1,001 or more members, to have an additional representative. This was to reflect the large numbers of clubs and YFC members those county federations support.

Increased representation for larger counties at NFYFC Council will bring the diverse challenges faced by County federations with a large membership number to the table, fostering a greater sense of belonging and inclusion among members.

Speaking to Council, Jack Sowerby from Cumbria FYFC said: “Larger counties often have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share. By granting them additional representation, the NFYFC Council can utilise this experience.”

Abigail Graham, Cumbria FYFC Vice Chair, added: “The membership of Cumbria FYFC was confident the proposal would significantly enhance the NFYFC Council and create the opportunity to bring further experience and knowledge and different perspectives to Council meetings."

The change to NFYFC’s Rules and Byelaws was approved by the Council and means that County Federations with 1,001 or more YFC members will now elect a third representative to the NFYFC Council. This will directly benefit Cumbria FYFC, Yorkshire FYFC and Devon FYFC – all of which have more than 1,400 members.

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