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New project seeks ambassador roles

New project seeks ambassador roles

YFC members can apply to be a Project Ambassador for a new one-year project called Back the Future.

The project is an extended partnership between NFYFC, Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK), FLAME – the youth arm of the Landworkers Alliance and Sustain and the Nature Friendly Farmers Network (NFFN).

Organisers are seeking six young adult Project Ambassadors who want to influence decision makers about food and farming issues. The intention is to recruit two people from each of the three original partner organisations, NFYFC, SOS-UK and FLAME.

These exciting renumerated roles will bring together six young people, aged 18-30 with different experiences and perspectives, but a shared passion for getting youth voices heard within the food and farming sector.

Over eight months, the Project Ambassadors will need to work together to decide the skills and opportunities they want to gain and the areas they want to focus on to influence change.

The roles will be home-based with at least one in-person meeting at a location to be confirmed. You will be expected to dedicate 12 days (84 hours) between March and December 2025 to the project but the hours are flexible, apart from certain meeting dates.

Ambassadors will be remunerated for time: £12,60 per hour (or £13.85 for those based in London), which is in line with the Real Living Wage Foundation. All travel and food expenses for in-person events will also be renumerated.

Applications close on 23 February 2025 and successful applicants will be shortlisted for interviews.

For more information and to apply, visit here.

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