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New Chair of NFYFC's Board of Management

New Chair of NFYFC's Board of Management

Leading rural youth organisation The National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC) has announced the appointment of Natalie McGinn as its new Chair of the Board of Management.

She succeeds Delme Harries, who served as Chair for five years.

Natalie is a business change management and transformation consultant, with in-depth experience of strategic management.

She has experience of working with companies on stakeholder engagement, communication and change management within a diverse range of businesses, including GSK, ITV and more recently Pearson.

Natalie was a member of Wick YFC in Glamorgan more than 11 years ago and held roles at a club and county level.

Chair of NFYFC’s Board of Management Natalie McGinn said:

“I’m delighted to be the new Chair of NFYFC’s Board of Management. I can’t wait to collaborate with the officer team and staff to help the development of their ideas. I’m looking forward to driving positive changes through the organisation with the support of the membership.

“Coming back to YFC has reminded me about the wide range of activities and opportunities that are available for rural young people by being part of a club. I personally benefited so much from the organisation – and not being from a farming background, I was proof that you don’t have to be a farmer to be a young farmer. I wouldn’t be in the career I am today without the skills and experience I gained through YFC.”

James Eckley, Chief Executive of NFYFC, said:

“For the past five years, Delme Harries has provided steadfast leadership as the Chair of NFYFC’s Board. We extend our sincerest gratitude for his dedicated service to the Federation.

“We are now thrilled to welcome Natalie to the role and look forward to working with her and benefiting from her extensive experience in change management as NFYFC continues to evolve to meet the needs of its membership.”

Interview with Natalie McGinn

Find out more about Natalie's plans in her new role on the Board of Management.