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More support for key services needed, say NFYFC Council

More support for key services needed, say NFYFC Council

The NFYFC Council has submitted a motion to the national Annual General Meeting to increase the subscription to continue to provide key services.

NFYFC, as well as many other organisations, reduced the subscription during the pandemic, and is working towards a realistic realignment of its budgets.

The organisation has continued to operate a full competitions programme, travel and training opportunities, managed safeguarding and provided support for county federations, as well as its responsibilities for governance of the federation.

Motion for the AGM

The NFYFC Board of Management recommended that the Council add a Motion to the Annual General Meeting agenda to confirm the NFYFC subscription at £35 per member from 1 September 2024, which will be billed on 1 September 2025.

NFYFC Chair Drew Bailey said:

“The figures show the cost of delivering what members want far outweighs the income NFYFC receives. If we are to continue to deliver the same services, we need to invest in our Federation. The proposed increase in subscription will still not cover the amount needed but it will go some way to helping.

“Since the pandemic the YFC has seen an influx of new members and county staff - the demand for essential support to county federations has grown enormously.”

During the meeting Council members raised concerns about explaining the increase to members. Many of NFYFC’s services are ‘unseen’ by members as they are at an operational level.

NFYFC annually equips members of the Council with information to explain the subscription, the services provided and NFYFC’s spending costs to their members.

The motion to increase subscriptions will be proposed at the AGM in Warwickshire on 21 April 2024 and clubs and counties will be able to vote on the decision.