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Meet your new NFYFC Council Officer team for 2024-25

Meet your new NFYFC Council Officer team for 2024-25

Drew Bailey has been elected to lead the NFYFC Council and to represent more than 23,000 Young Farmers across England and Wales.

Drew, who manages a farming enterprise in Derbyshire breeding sheep and a suckler herd of native breeds, has been a Vice Chair of Council for the past two years. He has also been national Competitions Chair, as well as held posts in his club – Belper YFC and has been a former County and Area Chair.

Drew, 32, will be supported by his two Vice Chairs James Nixey from Buckinghamshire and Jessica Rose from Nottinghamshire.

NFYFC Chair Drew Bailey said:

“I am excited to be elected as the new Chair of NFYFC’s Council and I am looking forward to working with clubs and county federations to help them share the message that YFC is for Everyone.

“I’m not from a farming background but my passion for the industry has grown by being part of a YFC. It’s true that you don’t have to be a farmer to be a Young Farmer. I want to ensure that all young people, volunteers and supporters – regardless of their background – feel they are welcome to join YFC and be a member of this amazing organisation.

“Working together with YFCs, I want us to be an organisation where everyone feels like they can belong, which in turn should also encourage more inclusivity in our rural communities and the agricultural industry.”

Vice Chair James Nixey

This is the second year James Nixey from Buckinghamshire has elected as the Vice Chair of Council and will also continue in his role as the Membership and Marketing Steering Group Chair for a second year.

James, 27, from Thame in Oxfordshire, is a self-employed electrician and has been a member of Princes Riseborough YFC for 15 years and is the club leader.

James Nixey, NFYFC’s Vice Chair of Council, said:

“I am really proud to be on the officer team representing YFC members for another year. I am looking forward to working with the team to help reinforce the message that YFC is for Everyone.

“While I have family involved in farming, I am not a farmer so I am the perfect example that you don’t have to be a farmer to be a Young Farmer.

“I’m looking forward to working with YFCs across England and Wales to help us be an organisation where everyone feels like they can belong.”

Vice Chair Jessica Rose

Jessica Rose from Nottinghamshire has been elected to the role of Vice Chair for the first time and will also continue in her role as the Vice Chair of the Membership & Marketing Steering Group.

Jessica, 29, is a customer service manager for Shirt Sleeves Clothing Boutique in Newark and has been a member of Tuxford YFC for 12 years. She has also held roles at club, county and Area levels.

Vice Chair Jessica Rose said:

“I am honoured to be part of the national officer team for NFYFC and I am excited for the year ahead. I especially look forward to helping Drew with his mission to spread the message that YFC is for everyone.

“I am so passionate about the organisation and I am grateful for the skills I have learnt and all the opportunities YFC has given me. I want to ensure young people are educated about our amazing youth organisation. I want them to understand it is inclusive and all its fantastic opportunities are available to them too. You don’t have to be a farmer to be a Young Farmer!”