Information for parents and safeguarding advice

Latvia (Rural Youth Europe Autumn Seminar)

Latvia (Rural Youth Europe Autumn Seminar)

Age to Participate

18-30 (must be 18 on 1 Sep 2023) when applying

Places Available

2 places - Please note the above trip is only available to members holding membership with an English county (Wales are eligible to send their own delegates)


Autumn 2024 (end of October/beginning of November)


1 week only

Cost to Member

£60 participation fee, £30 refundable multimedia presentation deposit, flight, insurance, visa and social expenditure


Saturday 2 December 2023, at Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth

Closing Date for Applications

10 November 2023

The maximum number of submissions have been received for this trip – unfortunately, the YFC Travel applications have now closed for the 2024 trips.


YFC Travel is generously supported by Young Farmers Ambassadors and NFU Mutual Charitable Trust.