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Farm safety improvements highlighted

Farm safety improvements highlighted

Open and honest discussions about the actions needed to improve farm safety were part of The Farm Safety Foundation’s 10th Anniversary Conference in May.

YFC members, and former YFC members, attended the event, which included guest panellists Countryfile presenters Adam Henson and Charlotte Smith.

Speakers included a former NFYFC Chair of Council and current Farm Safety Foundation Chair of Trustees James Chapman MBE. He highlighted the importance of open conversations about both physical safety and mental wellbeing on farm.

“We know that farming has the poorest safety record of any industry in the country. We need to do something about that. I want today to be the turning point. I want you to come back and reflect on today and the conversations we have today as the ones that make a difference.”

The Farming Minister Sir Mark Spencer, also a former NFYFC Chair, was the keynote speaker at the event and challenged the sector to do more to improve the safety record.

“We have got to do so much better than we are doing. Accidents can happen in a split second. We have to do more as a sector and a community to eradicate these accidents,” said Spencer.

The event also included farm safety panel sessions, which were focused on how to keep children safe on farm and mental health.

NFYFC Chair Drew Bailey was among the current YFC members at the conference, which he said was informative and inspiring.

“It’s both shocking and incredibly sad that farming has the poorest safety record of any industry in the UK. As a farmer, I understand the demands of the job and the toll it can take on your mental wellbeing.

“This conference was a reminder to the industry that we have to work together to make changes happen.

“It was a privilege to represent YFC members at the event and to see so many high profile people from industry who were once part of our organisation.”

Drew also met with former NFYFC Chair Milly Fyfe (pictured) at the Conference.

More information

NFYFC has developed two farm safety workshops with the Farm Safety Foundation that can be run during a club meeting. The Farm Safety session and the Minding Your Head workshop are both ideal for a club meeting and can be delivered by a YFC Trainer.