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Dairy Stockjudging

Dairy Stockjudging

16 and Under

The competitor will be required to judge and place one ring of four dairy cattle.

The competitor will be required to judge, place and give POSITIVE reasons on a second ring of four dairy cattle (breeds to be advised).

Cattle will be judged primarily as dairy animals, having due regard to the type recognised by the respective Breed Societies.

The cattle will be designated A, B, X, Y and the two rings will operate simultaneously.

The competitor must be 16 years of age or under on 1 September 2024 and a full member of a Club affiliated to NFYFC.

21 and Under

The competitor will be required to judge and place one ring of six dairy cattle.

The competitor will be required to judge, place and give POSITIVE reasons on a second ring of six dairy cattle (breeds to be advised).

Cattle will be judged primarily as dairy animals, having due regard to the type recognised by the respective Breed Societies.

The cattle will be designated A, B, C, X, Y, Z and the two rings will operate simultaneously.

The competitor must be 21 years of age or under on 1 September 2024 and a full member of a Club affiliated to NFYFC.

28 and Under

The competitor will be required to assess four dairy cows (breed to be advised) using the linear method of assessing characteristics.  Competitors are also required to place these cattle in order of merit as to their suitability for milk production and breeding herd replacements.

Competitors to give positive reasons to the Judges to justify their placings.

The cattle will be designated A, B, X, Y.

NFYFC are following the Holstein UK guidelines for Linear Assessment in this competition.

The competitor must be 28 years of age or under on 1 September 2024 and a full member of a Club affiliated to NFYFC.

Competition Details

National Final: Tuesday 8 to Friday 11 July 2025 (exact date TBC)

Entries Close: N/A

Venue: Great Yorkshire Show


Competition Advice

See the video below for handy competition tips from the NFYFC Youth Forum:

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