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Confidence and connections boosted through YFC training

Confidence and connections boosted through YFC training

Participation in the recent Train the Trainer courses in the East Midlands and the South West Areas has produced positive outcomes, especially in enhancing confidence and presentation skills among YFC members.

Both courses have trained YFC members to deliver workshops to YFCs and given them an internationally recognised training qualification.

Amy Wonnacott, County Chair for Dorset and member of Puddletown YFC, was encouraged by her County Organiser to take the course. Amy wanted to be a YFC Trainer because she enjoyed presenting and thought it would be a good way to give back to YFC.

“It was a really good weekend. I felt much more confident about doing things like ice breakers, things I wouldn’t have thought about doing. I thought it really helped,” said Amy, who works on her family farm and for a veterinary business as a TB tester.

Train the Trainer - South West Area

The Train the Trainer course also helped Amy develop skills in structuring the training she will deliver.

“One of the most beneficial things was learning how to do a training plan. We were asked to do a presentation and plan it out – that really helped,” added Amy.

Going on the course also meant Amy made new connections in the South West Area, which led to a reciprocal agreement with Somerset County Federation to deliver training to each other’s clubs. The arrangement was for instances where they thought it would be beneficial for an unfamiliar trainer to lead the session.

Networking benefits

Networking also benefitted Country Estate farm worker Luke Brignall, from Bainton YFC, who enjoyed connecting with East Midlands members on their course.

Luke Brignall - East Riding

“I got so much out of the course,” admits Luke who is East Riding of Yorkshire’s County Chair and a safeguarding officer. “Firstly, the networking, as we did it with Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire so it gave me contacts the other side of the Humber Bridge, which was nice.

“Secondly, it was all about delivery. You don’t realise how differently things can come across just in how you present yourself or how you explain something and the words that you use. Natasha [NFYFC’s Training Manager] was brilliant at explaining those types of things. I have witnessed first-hand how messages can get twisted so much.”

Luke wanted to be a YFC Trainer so he could give back to his county after gaining personally from opportunities in YFC. As County Chair he’s also bringing in new measures to ensure all clubs benefit from the range of workshops he’s now able to deliver.

“We’re going to make it compulsory for each club to do two workshops a year. Since doing the course, we have had five people book sessions so far, which is great. We’ll be looking at making sessions such as Beat Bullying one of the compulsory ones and then they can choose the other one,” explained Luke.

Career skills

It isn’t just YFC that will benefit from Luke’s training though as he’s sure it will help his work at Sledmere Estate too.

“This is another string to my bow, and I can use it in work as well – they’re all transferable skills. I spend quite a few weekends of my year stood in front of people wittering on at Sledmere Estate open days. It’s the little things on how you can develop yourself and how you can improve,” said Luke who would recommend the course to others.

As well as his personal confidence, Luke’s County Federation has also benefited from the development of a new App. Luke took inspiration from the YFC Trainer App that NFYFC created using JotForm and he decided to try something similar.

“I have spent the last four or five nights creating our County App so that everything is online – such as all our parental consent forms – and it’s going to make a huge difference. You pick up lots of things from taking part in these courses!”

Further information

Speak to your County Organiser if you are interested in taking part in a future Train the Trainer course.

Find out more information about ready made club night workshops.