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Club of the Month: July 2024

Club of the Month: July 2024


Chase YFC, Staffordshire

Number of members:


Where we meet:

YFC Office, Staffordshire County Showground.

Social media profiles:


Recent activities we have held:

We held an auction of promises, raising over £4,000 that will be split between the club and the charity Len’s Light. Many members of the club offered their time and skills as promises for the auction.

Our members worked with the advisory team to set up the event, gathered over 70 promises and sorted the food. They also attended and supported on the night (which was held the night before NFYFC's Competitions Day, where many of us were competing).

On the Saturday night many were supporting Staffordshire’s Summer Ball too.

Competitions we enjoy:

Members recently took part in county, area and NFYFC competitions. On the day after our auction, one of our members, Kate Oakes, placed third in the NFYFC final of Auctioneering. Our team also placed fourth in the Farm Machinery Skills competition – a competition that Staffordshire held for the first time in more than 12 years so to get a team into the NFYFC final was amazing! Our members attended ATV training and first aid courses in preparation for the competition.

A team made up of mostly Chase YFC members also came third in the Volleyball competition at this year's Sports Day finals. And one of our members represented the county at the Great Yorkshire Show in the Dairy Stockjudging final. Members also competed as part of the Staffordshire Stockperson team at the West Midlands Area round and came third.

Our work in the community:

Earlier this year six of our members raised £600 by completing a half marathon. This has been split three ways between The Farming Community Network (FCN), RABI and Chase YFC.

We also attend local shows with our gazebo to promote YFC.

Why we are Club of the Month:

Chase YFC is inclusive and welcoming. Our members are keen and active – showing interest in getting involved in just about everything, including a county pantomime, planned for the autumn.

Members quite often make up the numbers for other clubs competing. They also welcome other club members to support their teams – a couple of other clubs provided members for their Volleyball team at the NFYFC finals.

We have active club meetings every week, with all ages attending and enjoying themselves!

Submitted by Chase YFC Chair Holly Kelly.

The judges' comments

Well done Chase YFC. Club members have really got stuck into competitions this year, and it's great to see those efforts resulting in successes at area rounds and nationally.

Your Auction of Promises was a great success – not only in terms of fundraising but also how you all worked together as a club to make it happen.

We could feel the energy from this club, where members are throwing themselves into activities locally and nationally. Great work!

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