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Club of the Month: January 2025

Club of the Month: January 2025


Bromsgrove YFC, Worcestershire

Number of members:

We are a relatively young club with 43 members, the average age being 16.

Where we meet:

We meet every other week, mainly in and around the Hanbury area.

Social media profiles:

Facebook: Bromsgrove Young Farmers

TikTok: Bromsgrove.yfc

Recent activities we have held:

We held our annual Footcracker event, which involved more than 50 runners taking part. The event was hosted at a local farm, who have supported Bromsgrove YFC for generations. Runners pay to take part and are dropped off in teams at random locations away from the farm. Teams have to make it back without being caught by the 'hunters.' The winning team is the one that returns to the farm without being spotted.

We host a BBQ at the farm too and all profits go towards our chosen charities for the year, which this year are St Richard’s Hospice – a local hospice which cares for adults with a serious and progressive illness, and We are Farming Minds – a charity supporting mental health in farmers.

As a club we have also been to laser tag and the last few days have been busy setting up for our Annual Valentine's Doo (visit TikTok or Facebook for more information).

We have also been busy preparing for the Pantomime competition!

Competitions we enjoy:

As a club we thrive at the sports competitions and the Tug of War. Our senior men’s team won at the County Rally in 2024!

We have lots of members who compete in the Stockjudging competitions.

We are lucky to have a good group of members who will happily compete in any competition, which means we can enter everything!

Our work in the community:

As a club we provide assistance at local countryside shows, with parking and stewarding. We also do a lot of fundraising for charity – such as our Footcracker event. Last year we raised over £5,000.

Why we are club of the month:

One of our members Liam nominated our YFC for Club of the Month because of the support he has gained from being involved.

Liam said: “Bromsgrove have helped me with my mental health and wellbeing. Taking part in fun activities and competitions has also boosted my confidence.

“The weekly meet ups allow me to switch off and take time out from farming and daily life. It is a space where I can have fun and enjoy life while being with my mates and supporting a fantastic club.”

Completed by Club Chair Will Godwin.

The Judges' comments

This month's nomination form won us over as it came from one of the members of the club who wanted to express how much support they had received from Bromsgrove YFC.

Farming can be isolating and lonely but being part of Bromsgrove YFC gave this member access to new friends and activities that have improved their wellbeing.

This is what YFC is all about – making connections and learning new skills. The judges loved the fact one of the club's members wanted to show their appreciation for all they had gained from being involved in this club. Well done to all the members of Bromsgrove YFC for supporting each other.

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