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Agricultural weekend opportunity for YFC members

Agricultural weekend opportunity for YFC members

YFC members are invited to take part in an inspiring weekend this September focused on the future of farming.

The YFC AGRI group have organised a two-day agricultural break on 28-29 September which includes a farm tour in Staffordshire, followed by a day at the Midlands Agri-Tech Innovation Hub in Shropshire.

There are only 20 places available to join the overnight trip and members will be chosen on a first come, first served basis.

The trip begins with a visit to Lower Drayton Farm in Staffordshire, which is managed by Richard Bower.

The Bowers have 250 commercial beef cattle based around a commercial sucker herd of 65 cows. The suckler herd is sired by pedigree Aberdeen Angus and Hereford bulls. They also grow 200ha of cereals, mainly wheat and oilseed rape.

Developments on the farm include strip tillage crop establishment and an Anaerobic Digester to produce biogas from animal manures and CO2 for pharmaceutical and beverage industries. YFC members can also see the Play Barn – a significant diversification project on the farm which involves indoor and outdoor adventure activities for children and families.

After a farm walk, YFC members can enjoy an evening social event back at the hotel.

Midlands Agri-Tech Innovation Hub

On Sunday, there will be a tour of the Midlands Agri-Tech Innovation Hub, which is based on the Harper Adams University campus in Shropshire.

The multi-million pound hub is for the development, testing and sharing of technologies to boost productivity in farming and the food supply chain.

This trip is open to all YFC members aged over 18 who have a keen interest in the future of the countryside.

Those wishing to take part in all, or part, of the weekend events can register their interest here. Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs.